After working as a manufacturer's representative for the gift and decorative accessory industry, Judy Jones began looking to start her own business. Throughout her career, she had often given clients cookies as gifts of appreciation. This inspired Judy to start Cookie Please, a dessert company that hopes to “elevate the idea of cookies as a rich dessert that won't destroy your diet.” Over the past 7 years, Judy has worked hard to perfect her product and establish her brand of different, unique cookies. Currently, 9 Cookie Please products are available in two Whole Foods stores in Indianapolis. Over the next year, Judy hopes to build success with those two stores through in-store support, and continue to expand to other natural food stores locally, regionally, and nationally.
More About Cookie Please
1. What is the mission of Cookie Please?
Cookie Please wants to elevate the idea of cookies to that of a rich dessert that won’t destroy your diet. A Cookie Please cookie is gourmet and handmade with premium ingredients, unique flavor combinations, and never any preservatives. You will feel satisfied with just one!
2. Where did the name Cookie Please come from?
When I was small, I would sneak over to our next door neighbor's house, knock on the door, and yell "cookie please" when they answered. They would give me a cookie and a quick drink from the milk carton before I rushed home.
4. Where can we order your cookies?
At this time, you can order by calling me directly at 317-879-6589 or email me at anothercookieplease@gmail.com. Very soon we will be in the Whole Foods in Nora and Carmel, as well as Good Earth Natural Foods in Indianapolis. A website will be coming soon.
5. What is the biggest challenge starting up your business?
It has been very difficult to find support, entrepreneurial advice, and creative ways to bootstrap my business, as well as small amounts of funding. None of the resources available are knowledgeable about the new economy, and especially the challenges of being a woman entrepreneur.
6. What advice do you have for other women thinking about starting up a business?
I am so thankful for Startup Ladies! Women need to support each other with encouragement, support, advice, and business. I have been a firm believer that you must give before you receive. That philosophy has made me successful in my sales career. It feels good to give part of yourself, and by doing so we create a powerful community that helps all prospers all financially and emotionally.