Startup & Scale with us!
We're here to help YOU grow.
Individual memberships are for those with an idea for a business, newbie founders, and those who want to support our mission. Our community of entrepreneurs, investors, corporate executives, and mentors are here to: celebrate your wins, listen to your challenges, and teach you how to go from: idea to market to growth!
Our combination of educational programming, eLearning, social events, and virtual office hours will provide the knowledge, connections, and access to funding necessary to startup and scale with confidence.
Top 10 reasons to become a Member + GROW your business in 2021!
Membership will provide you with community, education, mentoring, and access to funding.
Startup Study Hall will teach you what you don't know about starting up and scaling a business.
Mental Wellness for Business will provide community and advice to manage stress and anxiety.
Virtual Book Clubs & Meetups introduce you to new ideas and prospective friends, advisors, and customers.
Virtual Office Hours with industry experts give you one-on-one attention.
Our E-learning platform helps you learn on demand 24/7 at your own pace.
Our Private Facebook Group shares daily updates on time sensitive business opportunities.
Our Blog features success stories from which the media source news.
Social media posts on our platforms help to amplify your success stories.
Access funding from our trained investor members once you are ready to pitch for investment.
Live & virtual programming takes place the first and third Wednesday each month from 6-8 p.m. EST/EDT.
*Memberships are annual contracts and may be paid monthly or discounted when paid in full. Once payment is received, a welcome email will be sent that includes everything you need to get started.
>>> Join our community today, so that we can support you throughout and beyond the pandemic.

Christine closed $50,000 in funding in 2018 and an additional $50,000 in 2019 from Investor Members.

1 Membership
Startup Study Hall
Startup Investing 101
Mental Wellness for Business
Virtual Office Hours
Member Directory
Private Facebook Page
Member pricing on special events
*Must be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student or minimum of part-time graduate student.

1 Membership
Startup Study Hall
Mental Wellness for Business
Virtual Office Hours
Member Directory
Private Facebook Page
Opportunity to apply for Startup Ladies grants
3 Guest passes - Startup Study Hall
Logo on Shop page
Member pricing on special events
Note: Memberships are annual contracts. Once payment is received, you will receive an onboarding guide, link to create your member profile, and begin receiving our monthly newsletters. The Startup Ladies strive to uphold the highest ethical standards of inclusiveness and respect. In the event of a violation of these standards, we reserve the right to ask you to leave an event or terminate your membership.